Drawn That Way Signup Form
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Select a Membership Level
Membership Type
Civilian Pass
$9.95 for 10 days access. Will not renew.
One fee, access to all our art for 10 days. No BS. Cannot vote in polls or commission. (Your subscription will NOT renew automatically. The account will simply expire. Great option for those who want to try us out or catch up once in awhile!)
Sidekick Pass
$20 USD for 30 days of access. Will NOT renew.
You get access to all our art and can vote in our polls (1x power), influencing the art we create. Cannot request commissions. (Subscription will NOT renew.)
Hero Pass
$20 USD for 30 days of access. Renews every 30 days.
Like to give even more? Become a DTW Hero! Get everything in the Sidekick tier, but more voting power (2x). Can commission your favorite characters.
Hero Pass
$45 USD for 90 days of access. Renews every 90 days. ($15 USD monthly LOYALTY RATE)
Like to give even more? Become a DTW Hero! Get everything in the Sidekick tier, but more voting power (2x). Can commission your favorite characters.
Sentinel Pass
$35 USD for 30 days of access. Renews monthly.
Everything in the Hero tier, but even more voting power (4x). Sentinels also get the highest commission priority from our artists! NOTE: Legends cannot jump your place in line.
Sentinel Pass
$75 USD for 90 days of access. ($25 USD monthly LOYALTY RATE). Renews every 90 days.
Everything in the Hero tier, but even more voting power (4x). Sentinels also get the highest commission priority from our artists! NOTE: Legends cannot jump your place in line.
Legend Pass
$75 USD for 30 days of access. Renews every 30 days.
Everything in the previous tier, but the commission service is always open. If you’re thinking about the Legend tier, money isn’t really an object. Think of it as a fast lane service for those who want their custom content made ASAP!
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it must be 6 or more characters in length
may only contain letters, numbers, and underscores
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